Two men will appear before Birmingham magistrates 'court today charged with possession of arms with intent to endanger life. 两名男子今天将在伯明翰地方法庭受审,他们被控持有武器,企图危害他人生命。
The rogue assaulted him with intent to kill. 这流氓攻击他,想把他打死。
The swindler sold the house with intent to cheat her. 骗子出售那楝房子企图向她存心要诈骗。
You're under arrest for possession with intent to sell. 你因为藏有和企图贩卖毒品被捕。
Having two meanings with intent to deceive. 具有意在欺骗的两个意思。
Criminal falsification by making or altering an instrument with intent to defraud. 为了欺骗而制造或者改变工具手段的犯罪行为。
If we study the traps with intent to steer clear, surely we save ourselves some pain. 如果我们抱着扫清障碍的目的研究这些陷阱,就一定会免受一些痛苦。
Reading carefully with intent to remember. 为了记忆而小心的阅读。
This guideline also covers attempted manslaughter and assault with intent to commit manslaughter. 该指导方针也适用于未遂杀人罪和意图杀人而行凶。
Montgomery is always suspected of loitering with intent. 人们总是怀疑蒙哥马利在徘徊观望,有作案企图。
She has been charged with hijacking and wounding with intent. She will appear in court Saturday. 她被控犯有劫机罪和故意伤人罪,并且将于星期六出庭。
He was wandering on top of the tall building with intent to commit sucide. 他在大楼顶上徘徊,打算自杀。
He came with intent to defraud. 他怀着诈取钱财的目的而来。
An unemployed man was sentenced to six weeks imprisonment for threatening a woman with injury to her person with intent to alarm her. 一名无业男子,威胁会伤害一名女子,意图向她发出警告,被判入狱六个星期。
Assault with intent to commit grievous bodily harm. 故意造成严重人身伤害的袭击。
Whenever someone approached me with intent, I would look panic-stricken and take a step backwards to discourage a lunge. 每当有人带着某种意图向我靠近时,我就表现出惊慌失措的样子,然后后退一步,让他/她丧失进一步动作的勇气。
No subjects can be taught successfully merely through being approached with intent to take examinations. 而几乎没有什么课程是仅仅通过教授应试技巧可以教好的。
If you can listen with intent on that day you shall hear the applause from above as we welcome you to new abode and new vibration. 如果你们留意倾听,你们将会听到来自天堂的掌声,因为我们欢迎你们到新的住所和新的振动。
He was pecked up by the pplice for loitering with intent. 他因为带非法目的游荡而被警察逮捕。
The man was charged with intent to kill. 那人被指控蓄意谋杀罪。
No person with intent to capture fish shall use any explosive. 任何人不得使用炸药意图捕捉鱼类。
I shop randomly and impulsively," says Loring. "I wander with intent but no particular goal. 我购物随意而冲动,洛林说,我逛街有目的,但并没有特定目标。
A shooting of guns with intent to inflict harm. 开火开枪,试图对对方造成伤害。
You aimed off1 inch with intent? 你专门射偏了一英尺?
The nasty-looking man was taken to the police station on a charge of loitering with intent. 这个模样邪恶的男人由于被指控徘徊于某处企图作案,被抓进了警察局。
Charge is murder in the second degree and assault with intent to murder. 指控二级谋杀罪和预谋谋杀攻击。
In the event that anyone transmits HIV to another with intent do so, traditional laws of assault and murder would apply. 因为,对故意传播艾滋病的行为,有关伤人和谋杀的传统法律都可以适用。
Wandering with intent to commit an arrestable offence,'he said. 我问。彷徨意图犯可逮捕的罪行,他说。
To assume the identity of, with intent to deceive. 假冒,冒充为了欺骗而假冒身份。
The types of intent locks are as follows: intent shared ( IS), intent exclusive ( IX), and shared with intent exclusive ( SIX). 意向锁的类型如下:意向共享(IS)、意向排他(IX)、和意向排他共享(SIX)。